You are what you Eat For-Real |
So, why is it that the foods we eat today do not supply sufficient nutrients for our dietary needs? SIMPLE! The soil that supplies our foods the nutrients they need has been depleted of the minerals and other organic compound needed for proper growth. This issue of depleted nutrients in the U.S. food supply was not a big problem before the mid-1900's when people actually ate from the growing source itself and there were not so many middle men involved in getting food to people. Over the past 60-years or so, the U.S. food and agriculture processes have gravely deteriorated. Now when you add this to the GMO's (Genetically Modified Organisms) (< click for the 411) and (fake) processed foods that are currently mass marketed to the U.S. society through it's food supply chain, you get a society of Nutrient Deficient people.
Most of the ingredients that make up the foods and other consumed products that we eat are plant derived; this is true for the foods that are fed to animals as well (for those who eat meat). When the soil that these foods grow in is compromised by extreme farming practices like repeat crop planting, inorganic pesticide use, over watering, chemical runoff..., it can no longer feed the plant seedlings the proper amount of nutrients they need to grow. Nutrients such as nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur and magnesium (macro nutrients). These nutrients are what our bodies need to function properly, and what we seek (or should be seeking) when we choose a specific plant food to eat. So, again in asking the question - "Why are foods so depleted of nutrients?," we have to look at and be concerned about the source of these foods ( something most of today's society never thinks about until disease or illness strikes). Large U.S. farming operations and imported items, which supply most of the foods consumed in the U.S. are motivated by bottom line profits, deadlines, and shipping dates. These factors are mainly what determine the type and quality of foods that you will be encouraged to eat, and see at your local grocer. Only a hand full of organic and "locally grown" farmers (see below) take the time to use safe farming methods like crop rotation, natural/organic fertilizers and pesticides,... in order to maintain the soil integrity needed for healthy plants to grow. We should begin to seek them out as our primary food source for our nutritional needs (Bing or Google for your living area) as these foods are more likely to be nutrient dense with what our bodies need to maintain a wellness state.
Because today's fruits, vegetables and other foods are so nutrient deficient, people are resorting to nutritional supplements that are normally found in the foods we should be eating. Advertising and natural product companies are sprouting up - pun intended :-) all over the place. People no longer ask for or share favorite fruits, nuts, fresh squeezed juices, veggies and the likes, but instead seek to know what vitamin supplement is the best and how much of it is needed to make them feel better, look better or aide in ridding them of some ailment. Vitamin E) (< click for the 411) capsules are quickly gobbled up by women to rid them of a blemish or scar, and everyone is looking for the proper amount of that Vitamin D (< click for the 411) capsule to replace going out and taking a walk in nature to absorb it from the Sun naturally, the way nature intended. The quality and sources of our food is equivalent to our overall health and well-being. The foods that we consume should be one of the highest priorities in our lives, and who supplies us with these foods should be as well. While certain supplements are a welcomed addition to our wellness lifestyle, whole foods (foods that grow naturally in nature) should be what we consume for optimum wellness.
It's a sad day when we as food consumers are so conditioned to eat the processed junk that is marketed as food that we are not properly educated on what food really is, or it's primary function, and our health is suffering as a result. My ongoing workshop entitled Why Do We Eat? (, is one tool that I use to educate, share and start a dialog about the correlation between food and our overall health. I am fortune that I have been motivated by good and bad examples in my life surrounding food and health, as well as having successfully overhauled and implemented whole foods and eating habits in my life over the years (25 to be exact). This blog space is one of the ways I choose to share health and wellness information to those seeking factual and valid information and resources (not medical advise). The sources of information about food, health and wellness are abundant and sometimes confusing if you are not sure or just beginning to seek such information. If you are always asked to pay or purchase before you get answers or information, BEWARE. Seek out those who have the same interest and motivation to be well as yourself, and strive to eat one whole food (organic, non GMO) a day while learning how that food is designed (by nature) to supply your body with nutrients, then if necessary, look at possibly supplementing. Please feel free to join this blog space, ask questions, comment on the content and share your personal knowledge and stories. Please visit my website at for more info. Thank you for visiting this You-Nique' Wellness blog.
**Before you go, please visit this food source network - and begin seeking sources that are organic and transparent in their growing and processing practices - Be Well. ~ You-Niquely ~