Monday, November 5, 2012

Prop 37 - Your Right to Know Your Food

Saat-Rai Amnwt 2012
Greetings Everyone:

I've been away for a while, but I've been determined to connect with you in this blogspace before the year ends.  So, here we are. 

Now, there is a food labeling issue on the California ballot for the upcoming November 6th voting session that may have far reaching effects across the U.S. in the future, and on the way your food is marketed to you.  Prop 37 - Genetically Engineered Foods. Labeling. Initiative Statute (California Proposition 37, Mandatory Labeling of Genetically Engineered Food (2012)) - as it is officially labeled, will allow you to know at the grocery/retail level what foods you purchase are made with GMO's or Genetically Modified Organisms.  It's that simple!  They will be labeled for your consideration as to whether you want to purchase them or notYou do have the right to know what is being marketed and sold to you.  Especially if it will affect your health and wellbeing.  Now, I personally think that the bill needs more work as to who and what things need to be accountable, but since it is not due to go into effect until July 2014 (after a passing vote on November 6th), there is still time to have a say.  So, Californians, go out and vote "yes" for this Proposition so that your Consumer and Health Rights are considered and protected, and the rest of the country, get involved and start an initiative in your state.  Don't be swayed by the threat of increased taxes, you've paid your fair share of taxes and the benefactors of those taxes should step-up and put those invested funds to use for you now when it really counts.

Take a look at the following and decide for yourself. 

Go to -,_Mandatory_Labeling_of_Genetically_Engineered_Food_(2012) 

Be well, and look forward to a very delicious & healthy recipe in a few days, I promise .

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! Yes on 37 and yes to being more aware of the food we consume! Thanks for this post Saat-Ra!
